Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

We are recruiting for new members!

If you are interested and feel that you would like to be part of this group please complete the following secure online form

Any individual registered as a patient with the surgery is invited to contribute to our Patient Participation Group (PPG). We work to proactively ensure the group is representative of our practice population.

The PPG provides an opportunity to share information and ideas regarding practice services or processes, thus enabling us to enhance your experience of GP care. We hope that by listening to your feedback and suggestions we can develop the services we provide in the future. It may also be an opportunity for you to influence the local NHS.

Your perspective, as a patient, is crucial to developing our service and we very much value our PPG.

Please note: The Patient Group is an opportunity for the Practice and patients to work together. It is not a forum for raising a complaint. If you have any concerns about the Practice, its services or processes, please contact the Practice Manager, Dawn Gaine, who will address these directly using the NHS complaints procedure.


We are also looking to set-up a new Online Group to discuss issues with patients who may not be able to make our face to face meeting.

A poem written by one of our PPG members

Support Yours and Your National Health

What do you do when your feeling not well - who do you think you should see

Is it the doctor or pharmacist you turn to - or the local A&E

Let’s guide you through your choices so you can make the decision yourself

Is it serious or is it not too bad - are you worried about the state of your health

Do you think you can manage your symptoms - or do you need to seek help elsewhere

 At “Riverplace” we will put you first - your health - your needs - your welfare.

There isn’t always an appointment or the doctor that you may want to see 

Our receptionist will do their very best - to get you where you need to be.

You may not have a computer or iPhone you can use - so hopefully the list below can show there’s other choices there - you can choose.

  1. Your worried and need immediate advice help is only minutes away - dial 111 to be your guide - they take calls 24hrs a day.
  2. The pharmacist is maybe someone to see - they have a wide knowledge of health and skill - can advise you on maybe what you should do - or suggest a helpful medicine or pill.
  3. For those of you who have access to the internet during the day - there is an eConsultation service - to help you on your way.
  4. We all need to know when we should go - to the hospital to A&E - remembering always what the letters mean Accident and Emergency.
  5. Should you need help urgently and don’t know what to do - call 999 at anytime and an ambulance can come to you.

So here’s a few suggestions - of how you can help yourself 

Since funds are tight and the last thing we want !

ls to lose our National Health