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What is eConsult?

eConsult enables NHS based GP practices to offer online consultations to their patients. This allows patients to submit their symptoms or requests to their own GP electronically, and offers around the clock NHS self-help information, signposting to services, and a symptom checker.

eConsult is the most widely used digital triage tool in NHS primary care, built by NHS GPs for NHS patients, designed to enhance patient access, improve practice efficiencies and signpost patients to the right place at the right time for their care.

As a Partnership we feel eConsults are most suited to:

  • All administrative tasks such as medical/sick notes
  • To submit on request chronic disease reviews such as Contraceptive pill/Asthma/COPD/Hypertension
  • To submit on request: a medication review
  • Self-help advice and information

We feel other clinical issues are often best dealt with using the appropriate appointment found on our Appointments page

Any eConsult submitted may result in you being asked to contact reception to book a routine appointment which may not be for several weeks.

Use eConsult

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an eConsult?

An eConsult is an online form which enables you to contact a GP or other health professional over the internet. It can save you waiting for an appointment or going to the GP surgery. You can tell your GP/nurse/pharmacist about your health using a smartphone, tablet or computer by completing some questions.

How do I submit an eConsult?

Visit our eConsult page

From here you will be able to click on the link that best describes your request. Please choose the form that is the closest match for your condition.  If your answers to eConsult indicate it may be a more urgent matter, eConsult will direct you to call us or call 111 if we are closed or potentially call 999 if deemed an acute emergency.

What if I can't do an eConsult online?

If you are not able to complete this yourself then we suggest to ask someone who can help you. However, we recognise some people are not able to use the eConsult system, for example if they are visually impaired or have difficulty reading or writing. If you are unable then you can call our care navigator team who will assist you further. They will ask you several questions to fully understand your issues so please answer them in as much detail as you can. Our reception staff are fully trained to only ask relevant and necessary questions and to treat your responses with the same respect and confidentiality as a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional would.

Why are there so many questions on an eConsult form?

Most of the questions on eConsult will only require a yes or no response so should not take too long to answer. eConsults are designed to be a safe way to collect information. The questions will ask you important ‘red flag’ symptoms which may indicate you need to go to hospital, call 999, or call the surgery or 111 directly to discuss your symptoms. It will also ask you questions about the nature of your symptoms and duration which will help us decide the best possible course of action.  All the questions provide important information for us. What might seem an irrelevant question to you may be a key question for your doctor.

What happens after I submit an eConsult?

Your eConsult will be looked at to determine which healthcare professional is most suitable to help you - for example a nurse, a practice-based pharmacist or a doctor. It will then be triaged by this healthcare professional. Triaging is important to establish the most efficient and safest way to manage a problem. Every day, GP practices receive requests for help or advice from many different patients or other healthcare professionals in hospitals or community teams. The eConsult information help the practice to sort patients based on their needs, which is why it’s so helpful when it is filled out honestly and fully.

A healthcare professional will look at your eConsult and all clinical eConsults will receive a response by the end of the next working day with either advice, a treatment or a plan for an appointment. For an admin eConsult it will be within 5 working days.

Is there any benefit to my practice?

General practice has never been under as much pressure as it is currently, and there is more demand for services than ever before. We have more patients, with more complex needs, than any other time in NHS history. We want to be able to provide high quality care to everyone who needs it and eConsults help us to provide an efficient service for thousands of patients in a safe and sustainable way.