

Helpful information and guidance for patients waiting for a hospital consultation, treatment or surgery.

Self Referrals

Many services in Islington offer SELF-REFERRAL which may allow you to bypass seeing a GP completely.

The associated links also have a lot of useful self-help information for common conditions. Another useful source of information is via our new online eConsultation.

Musculoskeletal Service

Are you suffering from back, arm, leg or neck pain? Is it non-urgent? You can self-refer to the musculoskeletal service to see an experienced physiotherapistwho may also be able to arrange imaging, joint injection and onward referral if required. 

For information about the service, advice leaflets and self-help videos for common conditions: MSK Service

Do you need support with self-management of muscle or joint problems in the meantime?

Whittington Health has an easy, safe, and effective way to help you improve your musculoskeletal health without the need for a clinic appointment, through their new getUBetter app. This provides evidence-based advice and exercises for all common muscle, bone, and joint problems. This includes conditions of the back, leg, neck, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, soft tissue injuries and other conditions. You can access getUBetter site via this link

Mental and Emotional Health

Low mood, anxiety, poor sleep?  Adults can self-refer directly to Camden and Islington Talking Therapies for support.

For service information, on-line self-referral and a wealth of self-management advice visit Camden and Islington Talking Therapies

Islington Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS): For children and young adults under 18 years of age. Referrals can be made via your GP or a self-referral

Younger adults (aged 12-24yrs) can also self refer to the Brandon Centre for their mental health as well as sexual health.

If you are in crisis visit NHS Camden and Islington Crisis Urgent Help page here

Pharmacy First & NHS Minor Ailment Scheme

Our friendly local community pharmacistsare often able to give a huge amount of advice about common conditions which may save you from having to see a GP at all! Drop into any of our local pharmacies.

If you need help dealing with common illness such as a cold, cough or diarrhoea, you may be able to use the  NHS Minor Ailment Scheme at selected pharmacies.

These allow pharmacies to provide you with medicines for free on the NHS, as well as giving you advice and support about how to care for minor conditions yourself.

Learn more about the Pharmacy First scheme

Minor Eye Conditions Service

Dry, watery, red or irritated eyes? Selected local opticians will see you for a free assessment and treatment in this new NHS service. You can self-refer to this service and will be seen within 48 hours, but usually on the same day.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have sudden loss of vision, considerable eye pain, trauma, chemical injury, burns or recent eye surgery you should go directly to an A&E department.

Find out more about this service

Weight Management/Local Activities

Podiatry Service

Corns, ingrown toenails and painful feet? Did you know that podiatrycan deal with these problems?

Maternity Services

Just discovered you are pregnant and want to refer yourself to antenatal clinic? You can self-refer to our local hospitals online or by telephone.

Sexual Health and Contraception

A number of local services offer advice on contraception, sexual health, emergency contraception (including coil fittings for emergency contraception), checking for and treating sexually transmitted infections (including urgent advice if you think you may have been exposed to HIV).

  • Sexual Health London is a new NHS on-line service providing sexual health information and free home testing for a number of STI's including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, Hep B and Hep C.

Unplanned Pregnancy

The National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) provides a safe and trusted service to ensure that informed choices around pregnancy, contraception and sexual health can be made.

Welfare Advice, Locality Navigation & Domestic Abuse

  • Age UK has a fantastic "locality navigation" service which helps Islington residents (of all ages >16yrs)  with everyday living and well-being. They can help with everything from benefits and housing applications to finding a local dance class or mobile hairdresser!
  • "Help on your Doorstep" is a new Islington Service providing support with benefits, housing and debt, as well as numerous other wellbeing activities. They run a number of daily drop-in clinics at local community centres and also sometimes have a stall in our practice reception.  
  • Citizens Advice is able to support with a wide range of issues including finances, benefits, housing, debt, employment, family and immigration. They can be contacted for telephone or online advice, and can arrange to see people in appointments.

Hand-in-Hand Service

Hand in Hand is a new Volunteer Peer Travel Buddy scheme, (Spring 2022) that helps vulnerable Islington residents successfully travel to other locations in Islington or Camden for appointments, courses, services, walks in green spaces, or events. If you have clients who need assistance or support with travel or reminding of appointments you can now refer them to the scheme.

Visit the Mind Islington website

My Planned Care

Millions of patients on the waiting list for NHS care will be able to access support and check wait times at their fingertips thanks to a new online platform called My Planned Care.

The platform will allow patients and their carers to access information ahead of their planned appointment, operation or treatment through the touch of a button.

Visit My Planned Care

My Planned Care